Oel Elihu Parish Blogspot

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oel Elihu Parish - Funeral Program

Memories - Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren

Our Tribute by Jordan Parish:

I love my grandpa so much.  He was my best friend.  My brother’s and sister’s wanted me to include their memories with mine.  I did not want to share my memoires; I told them they were mine.  But they convinced me that I needed to share the dedication my grandpa had for supporting me.  He wanted so bad to go with us to Reno this week to see me bowl in the National Bowling Stadium.  He knew he couldn’t make the trip.  So when he passed away my first thought was now grandpa could come.  I was going to go and win it for him, but then my brother who is serving a mission in Rochester New York was really having a hard time and wanted to come home to be here for the funeral.  I knew that my brouther was where he was supposed to be.  So I told him don’t you dare come home.  You are doing what I always wanted to do and couldn’t, don’t you throw that away.  I will go to the funeral and be there for the both of us.  We all loved our grandpa so much.  He was our number one fan.

Tribute by Logan Parish:

One of his fondest memories was seeing grandpa’s old blue pickup pulling up behind center field to watch him proctice baseball.  Or how funny it was to be at a closed basketball practice, and watch the coaches run everyone off.  But when grandpa showed up they would invite him in and  find him a chair.  Logan said that whenever he played ball, he could always look in the stands and find grandpa there.  Logan said, the love grandpa showed and the example he set, shows him what kind of grandpa he wants to be someday.  I share that dream also.

Tribute by Talea:

In High School Talea was struggling with a decision of whether to play basketball or not.  Grandpa said it would be his dying wish to see her play.  So she did and grandpa never missed a single game.  Talea said that grandpa was always so supportive and even though watching her dance was not his favorite thing he came anyway.  He even came to her wedding reception and sat on a chair and greeted everyone saying, “hello, I’m Grandpa Oly”.  Talea said she will treasure that forever as she knew grandpa was not feeling well, but he insisted on being there.  Thank you Aunt Hollie for bringing him for us.

Tribute by Carli Jo Parish:

The things she will remember the most is how supportive grandpa was.  He was always there in every single sport and every single game.  She would remember going up to him after her games to tell him thanks for coming and every single time he would look and her and tell her she needed to shoot the ball more.  She loved seeing him there, especailly when he was there in his wheelchair, oxygen thank strapped on, in 6 inches of snow, because it showed her how much love he had for her, and she loves him very much as well. 

We all love you grandpa and it is our prayer that we can continue your example by loving and supporting each other always.  We will miss you.  All our Love, Jordan, Talea, Logan & Carli Jo.

Tribute by Clinton Washburn:

A couple of summers ago, I was living in Twin Falls and working in Burley.  At the same time, I was taking night classes in Burley so a couple nights a week I would stay with grandpa and sleep on his couch.  I soon noticed that every night I stayed there, he would talk in his sleep and keep me awake.  This went on for a while and eventually I just got used to it.  However, one night I went to grandpa’s after my class and as I went in he was already in bed.  He asked me if I wanted to say a prayer with him so I went in and knelt by his bed.  It was at this time that I realized that every night I thought he was talking in his sleep, he was actually lying in bed saying his prayers but I couldn’t understand him because he didn’t have his teeth in.  I know that grandpa has faith in our Father in Heaven and his faith ha strengthened my own.  I am thankiful for his example and for the sacrifices he has made for this country.  He lived a great life.

Tribute by Brittany Washburn:

When I think of my grandpa, 3 things immediately come to mind: his love of sports, his love of horses & nature, and his love and dedication to his family.  A typical day started with watching Jordan bowl a game or two at the lanes, driving up to Oakly to watch Cole play some basketball and then giving him some words of advice, stopping by to support Logan at his football practices, and finally making it home in time to catch a Jazz game on T.V. with Randy.  From dance to baseball, football and track he would never miss an athletic event and would do everything he could to be there to support you.

Grandpa loved nature and he loved spending many hours with his horses.  My fondest memory of doing chores was the days spent at the barns with Jessica and I and the famous “Horse walker swings.”  Around and around, I don’t understand why it was so much fun, but we loved it, and it made doing chores go by so fast!

What stands out the most about my grandpa, was his love for his family.  For a man who had 9 kids, 30 grandkids, and 28 great-grandkids, he had a special gift to make each one know how much he loved them and how proud he was of them.  No matter what you were doing or wanted to accomplish, he was always your #1 fan and was continually there to support you. 

I am going to miss you being so excited to make me corn dogs for lunch, and hearing about the story about how you were “so handsome, they wanted to put you in the movies.”  But mostly I am going to miss your friendship, guidance and support.  Thank you for everything you have taught me and mostly thanks for your love.  Until we meet again.   All my love, Brittany

Tribute by Cole Washburn:

My Grandpa, My Hero-Grandpa Oel taught me to lauch, love, have hard work, strength, and endurance.  If it was the elk hunting trips to Challis, sitting in the stands at a game or the always fun Elba Park famly reunion.  Grandpa taught me to live each day to the fullest and if you didn’t like the referees call, you let him know about it!  If I remember right, grandpa loved his sports and he couldn’t wait until hisgrandkids started to play.  One time he was so excited for me to start basketball.  He had gone to JCPenny’s and bought me a pair of basketball shoes.  Brought them up to Oakley and gave them to me, but I was not wearing them cause they were girls shoes.  He would not believe me either.  Grandpa, even though you are no longer a spectator sitting in the stands, or watching from the sidelines, no longer yearning to sit in the saddle or having to be a passenger, you are finally able to walk, run, throw the baseball and shoot a basketball.  Finally able to play in the game.  Gramps, thanks for all the good times.

Tribute by Makelle Parish:

I will always remember grandpa sitting at the horse barns with a bb gun aimed at the horses making sure they kept walking while on the horsewalker.  I’m really sad grandpa died, but I’m glad to have another angel watching over me.

Tribute by Jessica Parish:

I will always remember grandpa going to Adam’s Café and drinking hot chocolate with his friends.  Then going to the stables and riding on the horse walker while grandpa yelled at me for dragging my hair in the manure!