Oel Elihu Parish Blogspot

To all family members:
Share your pictures and stories about our ancestors by sending them via email to brenda.bailey.1@hotmail.com They will be posted on the family blog and available for all of our family to enjoy.

Oel's horse's throughout the years....

Barton, Oel, Randy 12/31/1971
Colt Team - Parish Bar and Swanty Brown

Races at Burley 1994
Oel and Jim Parton at the Rupert Races
Races at Burley 1994

Oel leading horse in the paddocks 1994

Oel Elihu Parish watching the horse on the horsewalker at the Cassia County Fairgrounds
He spent many hours while he was caretaker and after

Sonja Parish 1998 at the Cassia County Fairgrounds

Sonja Parish 1998 at the Cassia County Fairgrounds

Life at the Burley Track 1998

Jetson Illusion 82

Oel leading Shootin Moon about 1982

Oel Elihu Parish and Ridge Wrangler abt 1982



Oel - The last 2 horses he owned in 2005